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Adrian Roger's Widow Speaks

PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 7:45 pm
by T. D. Webb
If you are catching the evening session of the Pastor's Conference. Adrian Rogers' widow, Joyce, and her children (including their IMB supported Missionary son, David Rogers) are there with Joyce sharing a stirring message in memory of Brother Rogers.

As she came to the close of her remarks, she proclaimed a ringing endorsement of the efforts of those who were standing against the narrowing of parameters of nonessential doctrines in SBC entities. She confidently shared that Adrian would have stood with those who are attempting to stem the tide of noncooperation with those who don't agree on the nonessentials. The rousing applause of those attending the session sounded great, even on my 2nd class computer speakers. I pray that the applause will translate into votes when Wade Burleson makes his motion.

In discussing her speech, the Baptist Press reported the following:

In His Grace and Peace,